Community Spotlight: Twinspire

We recently opened the doors of our Otis Booth campus, in the heart of Historic Filipinotown, to welcome our community partner organizations for a much-anticipated roundtable discussion. Hosted by our Community Relations team, this marked the first community roundtable at Otis Booth since the onset of the pandemic, with partners eager to come together and engage in person.

“There’s been a hunger to reimagine the collaborative spaces we enjoyed pre-pandemic—to welcome back community partners, old and new. It reminded us that there is so much power in simply sharing space, breaking bread, in discussing common experiences and opportunities for partnership in service to families. This was an exciting first step,” says Deborah Riddle, the Senior Community Relations Specialist at Children’s Institute.

The gathering reflected our North Star, which centers on four pillars: educational success, emotional well-being, economic mobility and lifelong health. These pillars ground us as we work in underserved communities and guide us in the relationships we build. And we know that our work cannot be done alone. True impact is achieved through collaboration, which is why we’re so proud of the strategic partnerships we’ve developed with organizations like Wesley Health, Saban Clinic, P.S. Arts and Twinspire.

As we sat down to discuss current challenges, opportunities and to better understand community needs, one thing was clear: while our missions aligned, each of the organizations brought a unique set of strengths and areas for growth to the table. This diversity in experience reinforced our belief that we are better together.

Among the voices at the table was Twinspire, an organization that has become near and dear to us. Not only are they our new partners, but they’ve also recently moved into our campus. Twinspire’s work is transformative, as they advocate for marginalized young adults and foster youth, equipping them with financial literacy and life skills. By empowering their youth to open doors to educational and career opportunities, they break down barriers and elevate voices that often go unheard.

What stands out most about Twinspire’s approach is their intentionality behind the relationships they build with their youth. Not an easy task. The leaders of the organization, often take the first step to connect with the youth on a deeper level by sharing in their own personal experiences as Black men who have navigated similar struggles. Angelo Agunae, Twinspire’s Program Director, shared, “I love the youth we serve, and I relate to them. I relate to their struggles, and I believe it is our duty to invest in youth and kids because when we do that, they become the people they’re supposed to be.”

Their shared experiences form the foundation of trust, allowing vulnerable stories to be told, real emotions to be felt and healing to begin. This relationship-building is just the first step to making their programs so successful and resonant, in topics including financial literacy, career development, social-emotional learning and social justice.

Tae Thompson, Twinspire’s co-founder and Executive Director, eloquently framed it during our discussion. He says, “It’s not about seeing individuals as independently sufficient but rather, as community sufficient.” This powerful mindset highlights the interconnectedness of our work, emphasizing that we all play a vital role in the development of the whole person within the larger community ecosystem.

We’re thrilled to continue our collaboration with Twinspire and as we embark on our new joint initiative supporting foster youth, LAUNCH, aimed at supporting system-involved youth, we can’t wait to share more about the impact we’ll create together. Stay tuned for exciting updates on this partnership!

Suicide Prevention Awareness – Trending Issues & Tips for Families with Youth

Suicide is a complex issue affecting countless families, making awareness essential for prevention. Our Director of Intensive Behavioral Health, Kelly Hwang, LMFT, shared her insights with L.A. Parent Magazine about how recent societal changes have impacted suicidal ideation, particularly among youth and wants to highlight two major influences including the pandemic and social media. While both issues are attributed to rising mental health concerns, they also provide opportunities for dialogue and support.

The Impact of the Pandemic
The pandemic has profoundly affected youth mental health, resulting in alarming increases in suicidal ideation and self-harm. A key driver of this crisis is social isolation including lockdowns which stripped youth of social interactions, leaving many feeling lonely and disconnected.

Additionally, the anxiety and uncertainty surrounding the pandemic shifted conversations about mortality into the forefront of young minds. Children, who may have previously been unaffected by death, were suddenly inundated with news about COVID-related hospitalizations and fatalities, heightening their anxiety and contributing to feelings of despair. Some even experienced the death of a family member as a result of COVID.

The pandemic, however, also sparked a cultural shift towards open discussions about mental health and wellness. The stigma that once silenced these conversations quickly began to dissipate, creating an environment where people felt more comfortable opening up about their struggles. While this openness may explain the uptick in reported rates of suicidal ideation, it also facilitates supportive dialogue.

The Role of Social Media
Social media serves as a double-edged sword for youth. On the negative side, it perpetuates unrealistic standards, leading to unhealthy comparisons and feelings of inadequacy. Social media users tend to showcase their “best sides,” which skews perceptions of reality and can exacerbate underlying anxiety and depression to certain users. Social media can also promote harmful behaviors in schools including bullying and harassment.

Additionally, easy access to content about suicide poses risks to youth. Despite these challenges, social media can be a source of information for mental health and suicide prevention. Online resources can be life-saving – including for parents, who can benefit
from increased awareness of warning signs and strategies to support their children.

Tips for Parents
If you’re a parent concerned about your child’s mental health, consider the following tips:

1) Recognize Depressive Symptoms
• Loss of Interest: If your child no longer engages in activities they once enjoyed.
• Loss of enjoyment: Notice this sign in activities and things previously enjoyed.
• Changes in Eating and Sleeping: Deviations in usual patterns should be noted.
• Preoccupation with Death: Frequent talk about death or suicidal thoughts should not be dismissed.
• Low Energy and Fatigue: Persistent low energy levels.
• Traumatic Exposure: Past traumas that may affect their mental health.

2) Encourage Open Dialogue
Engaging in conversations about mental health and suicide is crucial.
• Ask Directly: Ask if your child has thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
• Validate Their Feelings: Listen empathetically and acknowledge their emotions.
• Connect Them with Trusted Adults: Encourage seeking support from other family members, mentors or counselors.
• Consult a Mental Health Professional: If concerns escalate, don’t hesitate to involve a professional.

For additional support, organizations like Children’s Institute offer resources and counseling for qualifying families. For families under Medi-Cal with youth 0-21 years of age that are seeking resources, please see here.

Additional Resources:

Kelly Hwang, LMFT Director of Intensive Behavioral Health at Children’s Institute

2024 Gala Honoree: Erin Westerman

We are excited about our four “Cape & Gown Gala” honorees, who will be celebrated at our upcoming fundraising gala on Sunday, December 8 at the Skirball Cultural Center. As advocates and supporters of underserved children, families and communities, our honorees were selected for their humanitarianism and impact to society.

Today, we will be sitting down to meet Erin Westerman, Co-President of the Motion Picture Group at Lionsgate to better understand her desire to give back. Hello Erin and welcome to Children’s Institute! Thank you for making time to meet with us. Can you start off by sharing a little about yourself?

I am a mother of two – I have a seven-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son. As the Co-President of the Motion Picture Group at Lionsgate, I oversee a team, and our job is to build and manufacture the movies that get put into theaters with the Lionsgate logo on it. That includes Hunger Games, John Wick, Saw and more. Plus, there’s a lot of other smaller, original movies that we make throughout the year.

My proudest accomplishment to date, outside of having my children, is how I impacted Lionsgate’s maternity leave policy. While I was negotiating my contract, I found out that our maternity leave policy was the state minimum. While this is not uncommon for corporations given that that’s what the government suggests as a starting place, having just had a child, I was super aware that it wasn’t enough time off.

I decided to put into my contract that the company change their policy to allow for longer maternity leave if I was going to accept the offer. What’s amazing about Lionsgate is that, when faced with the data that supports all the good that a longer maternity leave can have and how little it actually costs the company, they changed their policy to give birth mothers five months of full pay plus four months of pay for the non-birth parent.

I will always feel so good that I found myself in a position to hold up a mirror and see that I helped create real change for the people that work at Lionsgate. I would say this is both the reason that I work at Lionsgate and have worked there for almost a decade.

Our North Star consists of four pillars which include educational success, emotional well-being, economic mobility and lifelong health. What part of our North Star resonates with you?

I grew up in the south side of Chicago and I’m very aware that many of the kids that I grew up with didn’t have what I had, which were parents who had the capacity to provide opportunities for me – not just financially but also emotionally and with their time. My parents put a lot of effort into creating opportunities for me to feel whole, to be challenged and to see opportunities.

That may look different for others but the possibilities that exist for people to succeed are impacted by whether or not they have someone in their life who’s capable of doing that for them. Because of my childhood and because of where I grew up in Chicago, I’m hyper-aware that the biggest indicator of my success has been having parents who believed in me. I can now look back on a lot of the kids I grew up with who were no less smart, no less deserving but who have not found themselves to be as lucky as me. One person who believes in you can change their life.

What’s amazing about Children’s Institute is that they look at the whole child, the whole family and can create capacity for parents to create those opportunities by filling in the holes or pointing people in directions to provide resources that that child or family need.

If you had a message to share with those who are better off and have more resources, what would it be?

I think that, especially if you have children, you become very aware of how important it is to provide for your children. It’s something I feel all the time. Whenever my children need something, nothing will stop me from helping them. No amount of money, resources, or time would stop me from doing what I can for them. Unfortunately, a lot of mothers, fathers and caregivers are not able to do that.

Now, for a more lighthearted question. If you were granted one wish, for the people we serve, what would that be? And why?

That’s a hard question! Well, I wish that we were more child friendly. I think that there are countries in Europe where everybody lifts up families and children. And I think in a lot of places, children are seen as being a burden. Even as somebody with resources, I feel like it’s still hard to raise children.

So, my wish would be that we had a community that did more of that.

One last question! When we were looking at the dresses we collect and hand out for our annual Prom2Go event, I noticed you had a reaction to them. Can you share what you were feeling in the moment?

Oh yeah! I love that you have an event focused on prom, because often, things like prom are deemed as extra and unnecessary. But when I look back on my own high school experience, I remember prom being one of the most joyous experiences I had.

The idea that Children’s Institute would take seriously something in a high schooler’s life like prom and provide resources for that while knowing that a new dress matters gets me very emotional.


If you would like to give back to the community while enjoying an evening celebrating our honorees at our 6th Annual “Cape & Gown Gala”, you can purchase corporate sponsorships or individual & group tickets here. Our “Cape & Gown Gala” will take place on Sunday, December 8 from 5-8pm at the Skirball Cultural Center.

Proceeds to the gala will go towards the services and programs helping the underserved children and families in our community.

Advancing Early Childhood Mental Health through Secure Attachments & Interventions

At the recent Clarity Conference in San Antonio, Texas, Rosette Lee, a Senior Clinical Supervisor for our Behavioral Health and Wellness School-Aged team, led an insightful session that delved into the critical role of early childhood mental health. The session highlighted the profound and enduring impact of secure attachments, positive parenting and early interventions on a child’s long-term development and psychological well-being.

Drawing from her extensive clinical experience here at Children’s Institute, Rosette demonstrated the techniques employed by our therapists in addressing the mental health needs of babies and young children. She emphasized how early exposure to stress, trauma, and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can significantly hinder a child’s cognitive, emotional and linguistic development. Without timely and appropriate intervention, these experiences may lead to lasting detriments in an individual’s overall health and growth.

The session underscored the importance of fostering mental health during the earliest years of life – a practice that is not yet widely implemented nationally despite its proven benefits. Rosette presented compelling evidence from both research and practice, reinforcing the necessity of early intervention as a protective measure against the adverse effects of childhood trauma.

The primary objectives of the session were as follows:

  1. Highlighting the importance of early childhood relationships and mental health as fundamental to future growth and development.
  2. Understanding the impact of early childhood trauma on cognitive, emotional, and linguistic development.
  3. Raising awareness of protective factors and best practices in treating young children affected by stress, trauma and ACEs.

This session reaffirms our ongoing commitment to pioneering early intervention strategies in mental health care, aiming to promote healthier developmental outcomes for children.

Presented by Rosette Lee, Senior Clinical Supervisor (Behavioral Health & Wellness in Service Provider Area (SPA 6)

About the Clarity Conference: Claritycon is an annual educational conference that explores the internal and external factors that impact the emotional, psychological and social well-being of young people. Since its creation in 2013, the conference has grown to reach over 500 attendees ranging from educators, therapists, nurses, social workers and mental health professionals. The conference is hosted by Clarity.

Get to Know Your Reporter: Elena Epstein, Co-Owner & Creative Director of L.A. Parent Magazine

“Get to Know Your Reporter” is a series of interviews we’re having with reporters & journalists covering topics that are both timely and relevant to our audiences. Our aim is to advocate for and highlight the issues that affect the children and families we serve, and one way is by providing information directly from experts in the field.

Elena Epstein is the co-owner and creative director of L.A. Parent Magazine and she shares with us how her cultural background and passion for journalism have shaped the trajectory of her career to becoming the co-owner of L.A. Parent Magazine &

Let’s start off by hearing about your background and your journey into journalism.

I was born in Tehran, Iran but when I was nine, which was also about the time the Iranian Revolution started, I immigrated to Los Angeles with my family. I have childhood memories of being an immigrant child and facing some challenges associated with acclimating to a different culture—including when I was an ESL (English as a Second Language) student, but I also had the responsibility of translating for my parents. I am so grateful we settled in Los Angeles, though, because it is such a diverse city.

Growing up in the Mid City neighborhood, I attended Fairfax High School, which is where I discovered my love for journalism. I started writing for the Colonial Gazette, our school newspaper, and though I was a quiet child who worried a lot about her accent, I found my new love. I overcame that feeling of self-consciousness through capturing other people’s stories. Having a reporter’s notebook in-hand gave me the confidence to approach people with questions which has carried over into my career.

After high school, I enrolled in California State University, Northridge (CSUN) where I studied journalism. I met my husband while working for the college newspaper, The Daily Sundial, and upon graduation, we transitioned from journalism into the publishing side, and I furthered my education to obtain a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Pepperdine University and began consulting for nonprofits, including Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

During this time, we were raising two daughters and that’s when I became an avid reader of L.A. Parent Magazine. When our daughters were in high school, we heard that the business was for sale and we jumped at the opportunity. After all, my husband and I had dreamed of working together and we both had the desire to one day own our own business. We took a leap of faith, bought L.A. Parent Magazine and now we like to call it our third child.

L.A. Parent Magazine has a large and loyal following among young parents in Southern California. What is your motivation behind it and why do you create and curate the content you do?

For me, being a mother is the most important and challenging yet rewarding thing I have ever done. At the hospital, when the doctor first hands you your newborn child and tells you you’re ready to go home—that moment can be so daunting, especially for a first-time parent.

As a parent, you need support. Many people don’t have the benefit of having family members nearby, so I see L.A. Parent like a trusted friend or a next-door neighbor who is a little older and wiser and has been through this before. Someone who can reassure you by saying, “You know what? We get it. This is exhausting and it’s okay. No one has all the right answers, but you can do this.”

That is how I see every story we produce—that every article we publish should be a resource for parents and ultimately, we want to make parents’ lives easier so they can focus on more important things, including creating a joyful environment to connect with their families.

What is the main message that you would like to convey through your work?

Spend time together as a family. One-on-one time without electronic devices. We are lucky to live in a city with such incredible resources and free events on any given day. You can go to museums, parks, beaches or hiking trails together as a family unit. These are the moments that will create lifelong memories and that is what connects your kids to you, your culture and your family.

L.A. Parent has a huge online calendar of events and we recommend and feature many free things to do in the city. I think our message really boils down to that—spend time with your loved ones because that’s what makes life richer.


See below for the Calendar of Events on L.A. Parent featuring fun & free events for families.

Event Calendar | L.A. Parent | Los Angeles, CA

Elena Epstein with L.A. Parent’s Editor-in-Chief Cassandra Lane and Digital Editor Nina Harada at the Getty Museum.

2024 Gala Honoree: Tim Disney

We are excited to announce our four “Cape & Gown Gala” honorees who will be celebrated at our upcoming fundraising gala on Sunday, December 8 at the Skirball Cultural Center. As advocates and supporters of underserved children, families and communities, our honorees were selected for their humanitarianism and impact to society. Today, we have the privilege of speaking with Tim Disney, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist, to get to know him better and to hear about why he believes in giving back.

Thank you, Tim, for making time to meet with us. We are so grateful for you and all you do to champion the rights of the children and families we serve. Could you please start off by sharing about your illustrative career as a creative, filmmaker and also as a philanthropist? Please tell us about yourself.

I’ve been lucky enough to have a varied career or a variety of different careers – some in creative fields and I’ve been able to go devote a fair amount of time and attention to nonprofit work which has been extremely gratifying. Through that, I’ve met some truly incredible people like the folks here at Children’s Institute and that’s a part of my life that I’ve devoted more energy to as the years have gone by.

As for my involvement in philanthropy – well, I’d say I have an ambivalent relationship with the philanthropy idea. It’s something that’s, deeply part of our social structures in this country. I wish it wasn’t the case. I wish that we structured our government and society to take care of these core needs, families and children, rather than relying on the private sector to give or not give to support them but that’s not the way it’s structured right now.

So, I feel like, I am hesitant to use the word obligation, but it does feel imperative that folks who have the means support organizations such as Children’s Institute because otherwise these children and families would go without the help they need. At the same time, I think I have to keep in my mind, and we should all keep in our minds that it doesn’t have to be like this, and we ought to work for a more sustainable solution to these problems while also doing what needs to be done in the moment.

There’s something problematic about the implied hierarchy of donor and patron and the recipients of that and I don’t feel comfortable with that. I would call myself an enthusiastic and simultaneously, a reluctant philanthropist in that sense.

You’ve talked about kindness as a way out of a dark place. Could you expand on that and share what it means for you to be that source of light or kindness in dark places?

The ultimate human characteristic is others-directedness that exists along with the urge to look out for ourselves. We’re all battling in this middle ground – between both instincts that we all have. I find that, especially as the years have gone by, I try to be of service to other people and that my life is better when I serve others. It’s a counterintuitive idea that if I follow that principle, my life gets better but of course, that’s not my first instinct.

When I wake up in the morning, my first thought is, “how do I get what I need today?” That’s my first thought and probably everybody else’s first thought. Especially when things are challenging or scary, that’s the place that we go and so those are the moments where I really have to make an intentional, mental shift and be others-directed.

Now, for a more lighthearted question. Could you tell us about yourself and your contributions to California Institute of the Arts and SCI-Arc?

California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) was created by Walt Disney – it came from an idea that he had towards the end of his life to create a college, that brought all the arts together in one place. This didn’t really exist at the time and he died before he was able to realize that dream. My grandfather who really was not an arts guy but because of his loyalty to his brother, Walt, he followed through on that idea to create CalArts in the early 70s. There’s a family connection to it – my father served on the board for many years and when I was about 30 years old, he said, I’m tired of doing this so why don’t you do it and that’s how I first got connected to it.

I was always aware of CalArts and I was an art history major myself, so I felt a strong connection. But it wasn’t until that moment that I became directly connected to it. I served on the board for 29 years and that was one of my most enriching experiences. I also served on the board of another college called the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) which reflects my connections to education and college.

Could you highlight a certain involvement you’ve had in education that you’re proud of?

I’d say that it would involve making it possible for folks without a lot of money to attend school. Art school is maybe the most expensive form of education. You can’t have large thousand student lectures – art requires small classrooms consisting of a highly qualified mentor teacher or artist and that classroom format is very expensive to deliver.

Additionally, art school requires all sorts of specialized equipment. As we field applications, we go based on portfolios rather than grades and scores as grades and scores are strongly correlated with socioeconomic status. By looking at portfolios or assessing people’s talent, you can kind of get away from the socioeconomic correlations that most colleges are looking for.

We think that we identify the kids as the most talented who also represent the general demographics. It’s evidence to me that when at birth, in the delivery room, when God is handing out gifts, he’s doing that equally. That, and all of the stuff that happens between then and the 11th grade where the kids are applying for college – that’s where the differentiation takes place for lack of opportunity, proper nutrition, resources, etc.

That’s why I’m very interested in Children’s Institute because they’re addressing those needs from the earliest phases where the pathways get set for kids and families and at the same time, the time when most help is needed. By the time students are in 11th grade and applying to college, lots of things happen. On one end, there are extraordinary kids who managed to do extremely well despite challenging circumstances early on but those are the exceptions.

If you can get involved in a family’s lives very early on, like what Children’s Institute is doing, you can set kids up for success – to reach their full, natural potential. I think it’s a tragedy in this country that we’re essentially squandering 60% of the human capital of the country by under-investing in very basic things including housing, education, health care and other basic needs.

Children’s Institute is a large organization for its type, but it serves a tiny fraction of the overall need. It’s very important that Children’s Institute succeeds because it sets a model that other people and organizations can follow.

What connects you to Children’s Institute and what is your message of encouragement you’d like to share with other donors?

Children’s Institute’s model appeals to me because it addresses the entire family system and the community, more broadly. It’s wonderful if organizations operate programs for children and address children’s needs because those are essential, but I don’t think that’s going to be successful unless you are also supporting families and communities at the same time. Unless you’re helping the whole family succeed, it’s not going to work or at least as well as it should.

I’m proud to be associated with Children’s Institute and the work they’re doing. I’m flattered and honored that I am an honoree. I would encourage other folks who have the means to support nonprofits such as Children’s Institute to support this organization. If you care about the health of society, in general, and you care about economic development, public safety, public health, and related issues, this is really where it all starts.

It starts with families, homes, children and education. All of the other things that we’re trying to address, including housing issues, are symptoms of what happens with families and children in the home. I believe in the model that Children’s Institute is using because they are addressing those issues in a holistic way and sticking with people and giving them the broad range of services that they need so that they can go out there and succeed.

And I think this kind of work has a multiplier effect. Families that are on the lower end of the economic spectrum that are able to launch their kids into life successfully – those kids go on and they have kids and they bring these values and these skill sets into their family’s lives, and it grows from there.


If you would like to give back to the community while enjoying an evening celebrating our honorees at our 6th Annual “Cape & Gown Gala”, you can purchase corporate sponsorships or individual & group tickets here. Our “Cape & Gown Gala” will take place on Sunday, December 8 from 5-8pm at the Skirball Cultural Center.

Proceeds to the gala will go towards the services and programs helping the underserved children and families in our community.

Get to Know Your Reporter: Jenny Gold, Staff Writer at The Los Angeles Times

“Get to Know Your Reporter” is a series of interviews we’re having with reporters & journalists covering topics that are both timely and relevant to our audiences. Our aim is to advocate for and highlight the issues that affect the children and families we serve, and one way is by providing information directly from experts in the field.

To launch this series, we are honored to have had the opportunity to sit down with Jenny Gold, a staff writer at The Los Angeles Times, covering the Early Childhood Development & Education beat.

Q: Thank you, Jenny, for your willingness to be interviewed. I’m sure as a reporter, being the interviewee isn’t the usual spot you’re in, but we’re thankful for your time and would like to learn more about you. Could you start off by telling us about your background in journalism?

I’m a long-time reporter, having covered health care for a large portion of my career, including maternal and child health. Over a year ago, I joined The Los Angeles Times to cover the early childhood beat, so now, I write exclusively about kids aged 0 to 5 and their families. It’s just such an amazing beat—so interesting, so varied and so important. 

Q: What motivates you to report on early childhood, education and development?

What drew me to the early childhood beat was becoming a mom myself. I have two little boys, ages two and five, both of whom I am completely in love with. Going through the experience of being pregnant, giving birth and then all the joys of early parenthood—including the ups and downs—have been so fascinating to me. This beat has given me the opportunity and the excuse to explore all these issues that I was already really interested in and passionate about and report on them.

Getting to both live and report on my beat has been such a gift. This experience provides a constant flow of ideas, a deeper understanding of child development and insights into the issues facing parents in finding education and childcare for their young children.

Q: What makes you most passionate about being a reporter?

I am passionately committed to truth and accuracy. I see so much misinformation out there, especially on social media, and I’m driven to correct the record and ensure that families, caregivers and people in power have the correct information to understand how things are playing out on both a state and national level, in terms of young children. 

As more research comes out, we know more and more about how important the early years of life are for a child’s brain development, happiness and even earning potential. The first few years are such a significant period in a child’s life, when more than a million neural connections are forming every second. It’s also a vital time for families who are fully hands-on in caring for their children.

It’s important to me that people have accurate information about what’s really going on during a time when families are just trying to figure out what’s best for them—and I think it can be hard to get accurate information about what’s really going on. I care deeply about making sure people have the information they need. 

There’s an education part to this to make sure that the truth is out there, and that families and caregivers are informed. The second piece to this is to hold the people in power accountable. We need to ensure that the changes and commitments we make to children and families are effective. 

There are always unintended consequences to policy decisions, and as a reporter, I track how these policies are impacting real people so that necessary adjustments can be made. That impact piece really matters to me. 

Finally, I want to alleviate the pressures and guilt that parents and caregivers often feel from the constant stream of information on social media about how to parent. I feel it myself. Parents log onto social media and there’s a constant stream of content telling you how to parent and what your child needs and what you’re doing wrong. Through my stories, I try to avoid that kind of pressure and guilt because it can be counterproductive. Parents are doing their best, and the last thing they need is someone wagging a finger at them.

Q: Are there any future projects you’re working on or plan to work on?

A: We’re coming up on an important election with a lot on the ballot locally, statewide and nationally. We’ll be following these developments closely and equipping our readers with information so they can be well-informed when they go to the ballot box.

Q: Is there anything interesting about yourself or any hobbies you’d like to share?

I secretly aspire to be a children’s book writer and hope to add that to my list of accomplishments someday. I love reading children’s books with my kids and would love to create some for others to enjoy. I’ve written a few but have never tried to get them published—they’re just sitting in my computer. I hope one day to have the opportunity to share them.

I’d like to note that I’m grateful to everyone who reads our stories on The Los Angeles Times and I hope our stories resonate with our audience. My door is always open and I love hearing directly from parents about their experiences with parenting, what they feel is important and what other issues they think I should be writing about, including questions they have and would like answers to.

Jenny Gold, staff writer at The Los Angeles Times can be reached at


See below for articles written by Jenny:

Phoning for Medi-Cal help? You may face hourlong waits

LAUSD faces penalty for transitional kindergarten staffing violations 

LAUSD wants transitional kindergarteners to test, parents in uproar

Should I enroll my child in Transitional Kindergarten? 

Deskside Chat with the Board: Andrew Vogel

Welcome to Children’s Institute, Andrew. Since you are new to Children’s Institute, could you please introduce yourself and share some insights about your journey up to this point?

I was born and raised in Sydney, Australia, and I’ve always been very driven. I started at KPMG right out of high school. So, while working full time, I was also attending university. After about 10 years of establishing myself professionally in Australia, I decided to move to the biggest market in the world, the United States. I have been with KPMG for over 20 years. I am currently a Principal & Leader in KPMG’s advisory practice.

Throughout my life, I’ve been committed to giving back to my community. In high school, I was the Head of Community & Social Services, which was foundational to my current priorities in corporate philanthropy. In 2009, I lived in an Aboriginal community in Australia called Aurukun, for four months to help the community establish a timber milling business through an Indigenous reconciliation program.

Aurukun is an extremely remote place, but what makes this area interesting, is that the people who live on that land live on bauxite, which is a compound that is used to produce aluminum. Through this program, I helped the community create their business plan and permit to successfully obtain a timber milling license through the government so that they could properly fell the timber and start their business. This would allow them, as traditional stewards of the land, to benefit from its resources. With my continued desire to give back to the community, I joined KPMG’s Family for Literacy Program in Los Angeles which serves low-income communities by aiming to eradicate childhood illiteracy and most currently, became a member of the Board at Children’s Institute.

What about Children’s Institute’s mission and north star attracts you to the agency?

I come from a humble, working-class family and my parents worked their backsides off to give me an education. Since my youth, I have felt the need to give back. So, here I am doing something I’m passionate about! In this role, I hope to influence others and give of myself through different opportunities – not only through corporate donations and dollars but also by providing pathways to internship and career opportunities.

One of the reasons why I’m passionate about joining Children’s Institute is that my mother was once a school librarian for 30 years and was also passionate about childhood education.

Children’s Institute emphasizes the importance of early childhood education, in addition to providing material support, in safe environments, ultimately, providing pathways to a better life. That resonates with me.

What would you like to achieve while you’re here?

On a macro-level, I want to make a lasting impact on the Board. I am currently on the program and finance committees, and at a bare minimum, I’d like to ensure that finance is a real partner to the overall business.

My skills set includes assisting clients in thinking through their problems in a holistic manner. I help clients improve their business operationally; ranging from enabling tech to streamlining processes to thinking through how organizations should be run and governed. I would like to apply the same rigor I’ve learned from KPMG to Children’s Institute – to be forward-thinking, while asking the right questions to support improvements that benefit the overall organization.

Can you think of a childhood memory that has both impacted you and led you to this point?

The memory I have is three-fold. First, is in memory of my mother and her desire to help children. There’s something innate in me that wants to continue her legacy. Second,

from my own childhood, I was always encouraged to serve others, whether that was through my parents or my school. I was always motivated to serve the community.

Finally, I had an amazing childhood growing up in Australia where I didn’t have much to worry about. I had access to lots of clean, outdoor space and an excellent education – I was brought up in a wonderful society. I couldn’t have had a better childhood, so I want that for others.

What are some of your favorite hobbies?

From childhood onward, I have loved sports – rugby, cricket and Australian Olympic sports. A big part of my life was being outdoors, running, swimming in the ocean – things that drew me to live in Los Angeles.

I’m also an avid reader. I especially love reading about American history because I appreciate learning about the ideals that American society was founded on as they’re very different from Australia’s.

One of my favorite novels is, “A Team of Rivals,” which is about Abraham Lincoln, and his Cabinet during the Civil War. He had a team of people around him that would challenge his ideas. Members of his own Cabinet would work against him, yet those were moments that helped him rise above to forget his own path to victory. These types of stories are what I love to read, because they help me reflect on how to become a better leader – even in my role as a Board member.

My favorite childhood book is “Charlotte’s Web.” I’m fond of it because it’s a heartfelt children’s story but more importantly, because it connected me to my mother.


Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at CII

What is Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)?

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a structured, short-term evidence-based treatment developed by Drs. Anthony Mannarino, Judith Cohen and Esther Deblinger that effectively improves a range of trauma-related outcomes in 8-25 sessions with the child/adolescent and caregiver. This form of therapy can be useful for a variety of experiences and traumas and has proven to be highly effective at improving youth post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and diagnosis (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, 2024).

Currently, 25 randomized controlled trials have been conducted in the U.S., Europe and Africa, comparing TF-CBT to other active treatment conditions. The totality of this research is what distinguishes TF-CBT from other child trauma interventions and finding it superior for improving children’s trauma symptoms and responses (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, 2024).

At Children’s Institute, TF-CBT can be an important tool in helping children and families who have experienced trauma and/or violence in their life.

First-Hand Experience from Ingrid E. MĂĽrrle, LMFT, CII Therapist and Training Center Clinical Manager

“One of the adjunct benefits of TF-CBT is caregiver involvement. Studies have shown that the more involved a caregiver is in treatment, the better the outcome.

In one case, we had a caregiver who was feeling hopeless; yet she came to our sessions each week. I had the opportunity to work closely with her and we went through each of the TF-CBT components just like we did with the child, both separately and together. During the treatment, we began to look at how thoughts can impact behaviors which impact feelings. This is an intervention we use with the kids and with caregivers. We approached it little differently by helping them work backwards from what they see to what the child is experiencing.

With this caregiver, we made a list of the child’s behaviors that were challenging. After going through the list, I challenged this caregiver to think about the internal effect a child behaving in those ways would feel. The last step was to imagine what someone with all these behaviors and feelings would be thinking of themselves. The caregiver began to cry as she realized that the child was feeling unworthy, unloved, and unimportant. It was one of those sessions where you walk out drained yet knowing something powerful had just happened.”

At CII, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been proven to help children and their families process and heal from the effects of traumatic experiences. If you would like to learn more about TF-CBT as a clinician or parent, please visit


Children’s Institute will be at the Festival of Books April 20-21!

The L.A. Times Festival of Books is the largest book festival in the nation and this year, Children’s Institute will be an exhibitor! Held at the University of Southern California (USC) campus from April 20-21, we are honored and excited to have our own booth alongside hundreds of other exhibitors, including NASA, Harper Collins Publishing and Vroman’s Bookstore – just to name a few.

This is a free, family-friendly event with indoor and outdoor activities. We are excited to be a part of this event because we hope to inspire a love for reading in the hearts of our youth. Reading opens hearts and minds to other worlds and endless possibilities while stimulating creativity.

Make sure to mark your calendars for April 20-21, 2024 to meet us at Booth #732 for books, games and info on Children’s Institute!

“There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all.” – Jacqueline Kennedy