Deskside Chat with the Board: Supriya Batra

August 5, 2024
Hyesun Ahn

We recently welcomed Supriya Batra, a Partner at Bel Air Investment Advisors, as a member of our board of trustees. Please read below to learn more about Supriya and what motivated her to join Children’s Institute.

Welcome aboard, Supriya! We are so excited to have you join our board of trustees.  Could you please start by sharing more about yourself? 

I am a child of an immigrant father who moved from India to the United States with only $20 in his pocket, seeking a better life for himself through education. Growing up, he instilled in me the values of responsibility, frugality and the importance of education. He worked tirelessly, commuting by bus to ARCO in downtown Los Angeles. I remember my siblings and I would eagerly wait at the bus stop to welcome him home each day, witnessing firsthand his dedication and work ethic.

He followed traditional Indian customs, including an arranged marriage to my mother who immigrated with my father. In Indian culture, women are not raised to work, but rather, to become mothers. Despite the cultural norms that often limit women to domestic roles, my family was different. My father had three sisters, all professionals – including two doctors and one entrepreneur. This environment broadened my perspective on what women could achieve beyond motherhood. My father encouraged me with a friendly, supportive approach, urging me to pursue my ambitions, and unlike many of my family friends, I was raised with the belief and notion that I could – and should – aspire to a fulfilling career.

My father’s entrepreneurial spirit eventually led him to leave ARCO to start his own company. Watching him navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and the tough road of not having a steady income and working well into the middle of the night, taught me invaluable lessons about hard work and perseverance. Fast forward to today, I’m a financial advisor, and similar to my father, I co-founded a successful business with another female leader, starting from nothing to building it into what it is today. My father’s positive role-modeling played a crucial role in my career.

What makes you excited to be a part of our Board of Trustees? Is there anything specific about our North Star that speaks to you? 

Reflecting on my childhood, I recognize the immense support I received from my immediate and extended family and community. I realize that this is in stark contrast with the experiences of children facing extreme poverty, who often lack the resources, time and love that are critical for their development. This disparity deeply resonates with me and is the reason why I am a part of the board.

Children’s Institute’s North Star emphasizes the importance of self-empowerment and the pillars necessary for it: educational success, emotional wellbeing, economic mobility plus love and resources necessary for lifelong health. I believe these elements are fundamental to surviving and thriving in today’s world, and they align with my own values and experiences. This is what draws me to Children’s Institute and excites me about contributing to its mission.

What is one piece of advice you’ve received that has helped you – that you’d like to share with the children we serve?

Never give up on yourself. Always advocate for yourself, even when others don’t believe in you. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.

What type of legacy of success would you like to leave behind?

I aspire to leave a legacy of authenticity behind. Everyone thrives when they are true to themselves, rather than pretending to be someone they’re not. Authenticity is not only less exhausting but also more positively received by others. I hope to be remembered as someone who was genuine and who did what I said I would.

Do you have any fun facts about yourself you’d like to share?

My biggest hobby is fitness! I enjoy all types of personal fitness classes and have tried nearly every one of them. Recently, I started weight training class through the encouragement of my friend. Just a year ago, I began lifting almost nothing but now I can bench press my body weight!