Get to Know Your Reporter: Elena Epstein, Co-Owner & Creative Director of L.A. Parent Magazine

August 30, 2024
Hyesun Ahn

“Get to Know Your Reporter” is a series of interviews we’re having with reporters & journalists covering topics that are both timely and relevant to our audiences. Our aim is to advocate for and highlight the issues that affect the children and families we serve, and one way is by providing information directly from experts in the field.

Elena Epstein is the co-owner and creative director of L.A. Parent Magazine and she shares with us how her cultural background and passion for journalism have shaped the trajectory of her career to becoming the co-owner of L.A. Parent Magazine &

Let’s start off by hearing about your background and your journey into journalism.

I was born in Tehran, Iran but when I was nine, which was also about the time the Iranian Revolution started, I immigrated to Los Angeles with my family. I have childhood memories of being an immigrant child and facing some challenges associated with acclimating to a different culture—including when I was an ESL (English as a Second Language) student, but I also had the responsibility of translating for my parents. I am so grateful we settled in Los Angeles, though, because it is such a diverse city.

Growing up in the Mid City neighborhood, I attended Fairfax High School, which is where I discovered my love for journalism. I started writing for the Colonial Gazette, our school newspaper, and though I was a quiet child who worried a lot about her accent, I found my new love. I overcame that feeling of self-consciousness through capturing other people’s stories. Having a reporter’s notebook in-hand gave me the confidence to approach people with questions which has carried over into my career.

After high school, I enrolled in California State University, Northridge (CSUN) where I studied journalism. I met my husband while working for the college newspaper, The Daily Sundial, and upon graduation, we transitioned from journalism into the publishing side, and I furthered my education to obtain a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Pepperdine University and began consulting for nonprofits, including Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

During this time, we were raising two daughters and that’s when I became an avid reader of L.A. Parent Magazine. When our daughters were in high school, we heard that the business was for sale and we jumped at the opportunity. After all, my husband and I had dreamed of working together and we both had the desire to one day own our own business. We took a leap of faith, bought L.A. Parent Magazine and now we like to call it our third child.

L.A. Parent Magazine has a large and loyal following among young parents in Southern California. What is your motivation behind it and why do you create and curate the content you do?

For me, being a mother is the most important and challenging yet rewarding thing I have ever done. At the hospital, when the doctor first hands you your newborn child and tells you you’re ready to go home—that moment can be so daunting, especially for a first-time parent.

As a parent, you need support. Many people don’t have the benefit of having family members nearby, so I see L.A. Parent like a trusted friend or a next-door neighbor who is a little older and wiser and has been through this before. Someone who can reassure you by saying, “You know what? We get it. This is exhausting and it’s okay. No one has all the right answers, but you can do this.”

That is how I see every story we produce—that every article we publish should be a resource for parents and ultimately, we want to make parents’ lives easier so they can focus on more important things, including creating a joyful environment to connect with their families.

What is the main message that you would like to convey through your work?

Spend time together as a family. One-on-one time without electronic devices. We are lucky to live in a city with such incredible resources and free events on any given day. You can go to museums, parks, beaches or hiking trails together as a family unit. These are the moments that will create lifelong memories and that is what connects your kids to you, your culture and your family.

L.A. Parent has a huge online calendar of events and we recommend and feature many free things to do in the city. I think our message really boils down to that—spend time with your loved ones because that’s what makes life richer.


See below for the Calendar of Events on L.A. Parent featuring fun & free events for families.

Event Calendar | L.A. Parent | Los Angeles, CA

Elena Epstein with L.A. Parent’s Editor-in-Chief Cassandra Lane and Digital Editor Nina Harada at the Getty Museum.