Doctoral Internship Program in Clinical Psychology - Children's Institute

Doctoral Internship Program in Clinical Psychology

Accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA)

Inquiries regarding the accreditation of this program can be directed to:

Commission on Accreditation (COA)
American Psychological Association
750 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002-4242
(202) 336-5979

Program Overview

Children’s Institute’s Doctoral Internship program in Clinical Psychology offers graduate students a wide range of training opportunities in a multidisciplinary, multicultural work environment to help them develop the core competencies needed to be skilled psychologists.

Modeled in accordance with guidelines set by the American Psychological Association, the program enables interns to work directly with clients, participate in weekly seminars and monthly didactic trainings, and gain professional experience in the context of CII’s child-friendly campuses. In addition, CII’s clinical faculty provide individual and group supervision of students on a weekly basis.

Program Details

Primary objectives include developing conceptual knowledge and applied skills in the following areas:

  • Child and Family Services
  • Children’s Mental Health
  • Domestic Violence Services
  • Sexual Abuse Treatment
  • Early Childhood Mental Health

Based out of CII’s Otis Booth Campus, the program requires a 12-month, 40-hours-per-week commitment. Training is provided in psychological trauma assessment; psychotherapy interventions (individual, group, family and couple therapy); psychological trauma interventions (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or TF-CBT); evidence-based practices (Parent-Child Interaction Therapy or PCIT); and interprofessional, multi-disciplinary consultation and collaboration.

The program accepts 4-6 full-time interns every year. Recent interns have come from Northwestern University, Alliant International University, Argosy University, Illinois School of Professional Psychology, Loma Linda University, Fielding Graduate Institute, Ponce School of Medicine, UCLA, and Pepperdine University.

“The cases were very complex and there was ample opportunity to work with individuals, couples, families, adults and children,” says Dan Bruzzone, a former intern at Children’s Institute. “I couldn’t have asked for better hands-on training or better professional supervision than what I received here.”


View the APA Internship Description
View the Internship Admissions, Support, and Initial Placement Data
View Intern Competencies and How the Competencies are Measured

For more information, please contact Irma Ocegueda, Ph.D., Director of Clinical Internship, at

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